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Highway Church is all about

sharing God's abundant love and life in our communities

Our values - LIFE

Lordship OF CHRIST

a dynamic relationship with Christ, submission to His word and His Spirit, and a belief that God is able to do more than we ask or imagine.


prioritising authentic relationships, praying, and supporting each other, and promoting healthy unity.


sharing God’s love and his universal reign, motivated by love for God and people, and biasing resources towards mission.

empower people

identify, develop, and empower all people in the church family to serve God in all of their life.

1. The Nature and Unity of the Godhead

There is one God Who is eternal personal Spirit. He is infinite in power, wisdom, holiness, and love. God is Triune in essential being and revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


2. The Deity and Humanity of Christ

Jesus Christ as the second Person of the Godhead is eternally one with God the Father of whose person and glory Jesus is the accurate expression. To become human, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, so that two whole and perfect natures, the nature of God and human nature, were united in one Person; truly God and truly human.


3. The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit as the third Person of the Trinity is eternally one with the Father and the Son yet He is sent by Them to achieve the divine purpose in the world and in the Church.


4. The Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures

The Scriptures, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, are the infallible Word of God. They were written by holy people of God inspired by the Holy Spirit and have supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.


5. The Sinfulness of People

People were made in the image of God and for fellowship with God. By transgression of God’s command humankind fell from fellowship with God and their nature was corrupted. As a consequence, all people are spiritually dead under Satan’s dominion and control and subject to God’s wrath and condemnation. Therefore, apart from God’s grace, people are helpless and hopeless.


6. Christ’s Atonement for Human Sin

In order to redeem people from the guilt, penalty and power of sin, Jesus Christ became human and died a sacrificial death as our representative substitute. By His resurrection, God’s acceptance of His atoning death was demonstrated. This atonement is sufficient for the whole world, but effective only in those who receive it. The sinner is justified and reconciled to God, not through any personal merit, but solely on the basis of God’s gracious gift of salvation in Jesus Christ received through faith.


7. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the acceptance of God’s provision of salvation. The Holy Spirit convinces sinners of their sinfulness, leads them to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and so brings them to spiritual birth as God’s children and to fellowship in Christ. Working within the life of believers the Holy Spirit makes real the presence of Christ, witnesses to their relationship with God, leads into all truth, bestows gifts for effective service and produces graces for holy living.

8. The Church

The Church is the body of people whom God has separated from the world through faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. All regenerate persons are members of the universal Church of God which takes local form wherever groups of believers unite for worship, fellowship, and service in accordance with scriptural principles. All believers are called to a priestly ministry in the offering of spiritual sacrifices and sent into the world to be witnesses. God calls individuals to positions of oversight and leadership or to special ministries. The Church recognises such by ordaining pastors, commissioning missionaries, appointing deacons and other leaders, following New Testament practice.


9. The Baptism of Believers Only by Immersion

Baptism is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a public declaration of a person’s faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In accordance with New Testament Scripture, it should be administered only by total immersion which symbolises the believer’s identification with Christ in death, burial and resurrection, the remission of sins and the believer’s dedication of themself to God to live and walk in newness of life.


10. The Communion

The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ instituted by Him to be celebrated with the elements of bread and wine by believers in Christ until the end of the age. It commemorates and declares our thanks for the Lord’s substitutionary death. The celebration of the ordinance expresses our fellowship with and in the Lord Jesus Christ as members of the Body of which He is the Head.


11. The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ

According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in His glory to the earth. The full consummation of the Kingdom of God awaits His return.


12. The Resurrection of the Dead

At the end of the age, there is to be a resurrection both of the righteous and the unrighteous. After death people’s bodies return to dust, but their spirits return immediately to God – the righteous to be with Him and the unrighteous to be reserved for the judgment.


13. Rewards and Punishments in a Future State

God has appointed a day of final judgement for the world. At that time Jesus Christ will judge every person and each will receive reward or punishment according to their deeds. Those judged righteous, in their resurrected and glorified bodies, will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment.

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Enoch Nagabyrava

Lead Pastor & Elder

Enoch was lead to follow the Lord by his parents. He considers himself a product of the mentoring of his parents, local church and UESI & AFES. He came to Australia in 2005 for post graduate studies. He worked as a Science Teacher for seven years, and served as Associate Pastor at Eastwood Baptist Church. Prior to Highway, he pastored St. Marys Baptist Church, and lead the unification process of three churches to form Highway Church. He also serves as a Chaplain at Oxley Park Public School. He is passionate about sharing life and God's word to see people at Highway grow in their love for God. He's also passionate about people in the wider community finding their identity and purpose in life by knowing and living for Jesus.

He is married to Joanna and they are blessed with Zoe, Zachary and Ashrei. 

Shane conlon

Executive Pastor & Elder

Shane grew up in Adelaide and Mildura. At 6, after his Mum taught him from the wordless book, he gave his heart to Jesus and there was an instant change in his behaviour. 25 years ago, he founded National Technical Services (NTS), now a multi-million dollar business that employs over 30 people. He also is a leader in the One Church Penrith network. Shane  served as an elder in New Horizons Community Church  from early '90s and was appointed lead Pastor in 2012 before joining Highway Church in 2023. Shane is excited to serve God alongside like-minded  brothers and sisters, and believes that Highway is well positioned to take the abundant love and life of Jesus for the transformation of St Marys and surrounding suburbs. Shane is married to Fiona, and they are blessed with Benjamin (with Jesus), and three adult daughters Brianna, Shannen and Caitlin.

Andrea cameron

Community Engagement Champion

Andrea was born in Papua New Guinea as a daughter of a teacher and missionary and moved to Australia at age 2. She grew up in Canberra and trained as a teacher in Bathurst. She taught in High School and Primary schools for about 18 years before retraining as a teacher of blind and vision impaired. Andrea grew up in Christian communities and at the age of 8 had a personal spiritual experience where she heard Jesus call her to follow him. 

Andrea and her husband Glenn have 2 adult sons Luke and David. They have always been passionate about sharing God's love in practical ways. They hosted a Syrian refugee family in their home for 3 years, and have their house open to share meals and discuss life's big questions. She is now excited to run Chat n Play, and connect with other community members. 

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Fleur Pablo


Fleur and her family migrated from the Philippines to Australia in the '90s when they joined St. Marys Baptist Church and served there in a variety of roles. Whilst in Philippines, God used ISCF, IVCF and Life Gospel Church for her Christian formation. Fleur works as a scientist in Environmental Forensics and serves in Children's Ministry at Highway. Fleur is excited about how God will guide her along with other elders into serving, shepherding and caring for the Highway family (1 Peter 5:2) in order to encourage them to grow more in love with our loving God. 

Fleur is married to Ding, and they have two adult children Aman and Hannah. 

Glenn Cameron


Glenn completed all his schooling in Busby public schools. He realised the significance of Jesus in Year 7, but became more open about his faith after the 1979 Billy Graham Crusade, and has always participated in Christian ministry - Beach Mission, youth, music and healing ministries, Eldership, Church Consultancy for the Baptist Assoc., and more. He served as Worship Leader and Elder at St Marys Baptist Church and now at Highway and on weekdays works as a psychologist at Highway Church and at Merrylands Counselling. He is married to Andrea, and they enjoy having their grandkids Charli, Raphael, and Olivia stay over. Glenn loves seeing God changing the hearts of people in our communities.

Karen kelly


Karen's parents sent her to Sunday School from a very young age, so Karen knew about Jesus and loved him dearly. Later however she chose her own ways and it was only in her late 20s that the Lord drew her back to himself. Karen is a retired nurse and served  as Children's Ministry leader & Elder for New Horizons before joining Highway and is passionate about teaching God's word to children. During the week, she helps people in practical ways by shopping and doing other things for them. As an elder, Karen looks forward to seeing God do wonderful things such as drawing many adults and children in the church and the wider community to himself. Karen is married to Phil, and they have two adult children. 

core beliefs


At Highway, we are committed to joining in the work of sending and partnering with mission workers who can share the good news of Jesus around the world. We are now partnering with two different mission workers. 


The W Family

S E Asia

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They are based in South East Asia, primarily involved in training, mentoring and leadership development among young people and reaching out to local people groups.


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R is currently based in South East Asia, equipping and reaching out to young people, their families, and community through sports ministry plus other things.

(02) 8678 0145

249 Great Western Highway

St Marys NSW 2760


Mailing Address

PO Box 375, St Marys NSW 1790

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©2024 by Highway Church St. Marys

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